Mechelsesteenweg #108, 2018 Antwerp
Brabantdam #26, 9000 Ghent
Singel #7, 2550 Kontich 
Precious Metals, Gemstones and Jewels Buyer

Sell Diamonds in Antwerp or Kontich

Antwerp has been described by many certified publications as the most important place in the world's diamond sector. This makes Antwerp not only a very solid market for diamond buyers, but also for diamond sellers

The Best Payout Price

Making the trip to Antwerp is worth it if the highest possible payout for your diamonds is a top priority for you. We have over 20 years of experience in diamonds, and understand how much delicately they must be dealt with. It is for the reason that we understand so perfectly well how complicated it can be, that our free appraisals also includes diamonds. Selling diamonds is not an easy thing, and we understand that perfectly.

Expert in Certified & Uncertified Diamonds

We have a Diamond Grader at hand constantly. Our diamond grader has a diploma from the most prestigious diamond institution in the world: the Gemological Institute of America. We are able to perfectly grade the cut, color, clarity and carat of your diamonds, and we do so with the highest precision.

We have over 20 years of expertise in diamond grading, and when selling diamonds at Simon Gold, you can rest assured of the highest possible payout.

Ask Us About Your The 4 C's Of Your Diamond

We will gladly help tell you exactly what grade your diamond is. We are able to perfectly assess the cut, color, clarity and carat of your diamond with the strictest GIA standards. On top of that, if you don't properly understand what they mean, our diamond grader will give you a detailed explanation on how to understand the 4 C's.

We mean it when we say you can ask us anything, so please feel free to do so. We pride ourselves in delivering premium customer service.



Opening Hours Antwerp & Kontich

Friday: 10:00-13:00
Saturday: Closed
Sunday (Antwerp): 10:00-13:00
Sunday (Kontich): Closed

Opening Hours Ghent

Friday: 10:30-14:00
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: 10:30-15:00

Please note that it is possible to see us outside of our opening hours. Feel free to contact us if you would like to do so.

Simon Gold - Purchasing Gold, Jewellery, Diamonds and Watches
Mechelsesteenweg 108, 2018 Antwerp

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